The Important Things

Car Free, Family, Featured, Sustainability

The Important Things

No Comments 15 February 2009

We are slow to write, but things are going well for us. We have been very busy with things like the Chicken Pox, BMX racing, potty training, birthday dinner, Valentines festivities, the Eugene Bike Summit, lots of freelance work, pizza dinners with company, painting inside, fence rework, tree trimming, work and school. Paul has been doing a lot of GEARs volunteer work and Monica has had a few school policy meetings a couple of focus groups relating to children w/ disabilities.

The weather the last two months has really been easy to bike in too. We are already planning our garden for this Spring – we’ve ordered the seeds from Territorial Seed Co. through Rainy’s school fund raiser.

Our Chickens are back to laying full time, five eggs a day, and the bees have been flying a couple of the warmer days.

We are looking forward to this summer already. We are closing in on a full year of being car free. Check out some of our recent photos at the Gallery. I think I may be reworking this blog over to WorkPress in the next few months.

Best of, Family, Featured

A Dream Come True

No Comments 15 March 2007

I found out that I was pregnant, for the third time, by peeing on the stick in the second week of February, 2005. It was a crazy time for us. We were relocating from Montana to “somewhere” in the East. At this point though, we were staying with Paul’s parents. It was as comfortable as a set up can get with our family of four sharing Pop’s and Mombo’s home. O.K. back to the pregnancy. I had bad all day sickness that lasted 6-8 weeks. This was very different than the first two pregnancies. My belly also grew faster this time around than the previous two. I felt baby movement sooner; little did I know though that this movement was two babies jockeying for space rather that the intentional baby stretching thing.

At a day or so before or after Torrent’s birthday, February 24, I had a dream. My dream was this: It was a fresh, sunny, warm morning. The sun really filling the back yard. There were four children in my view. Rainy and Torrent were running in slow motion. Torrent ran around the yard zig-zagging with his arms straight out from his sides and crossed my path flapping his arms, laughing and turning his head to look at me. Rainy was in the middle of the yard spinning around and around and calling Torrent’s name. The sounds and voices in that dream were faint, far away, but very clear. Kind of like listening to children on the play ground. In front of me, the path that Torrent had crossed earlier, approximately six feet away there were two young toddler aged children, a boy and girl. Oh, they sat there so nicely in the brightest sun light I had ever witnessed. As if they were almost washed out, overexposed, by the light. These children looked happy as their feet dangled a bit while they sat on the back porch step. They looked at me as if they knew me and I looked at them with comfort but wanting to know them better. It looked as if they were siblings but the sun light that engulfed them was so intense it was hard to tell. I looked closer and saw that they were holding hands. They began to giggle and that’s when I noticed the one “twin”, the girl had Down Syndrome. The vision of these two children lingered in the light and then I woke up slowly and relaxed.

I never told anyone, not even Paul, about this dream that I had during my pregnancy. I was afraid to. There are no excuses or reasons why I kept it to myself… I was just afraid to think about what I had seen. I was afraid to give it energy. I was afraid to let God know that I was thinking about the “what if’s”, maybe he would test me. I was afraid to give the universe my dream, my thoughts about my dream, because it just might give it back to me. Again, I was afraid, afraid of the unknown. I was not ready.

At week 30, I had an ultrasound. My midwife suggested it, to clear up any uncertainty as to where the placenta was attached to the uterus, because I had a c-section years before with Rainy. It was during this ultrasound that we found out that I was carrying twins. At week 41, these babies were born; a boy and a girl. It was the next day that we knew the girl twin, Sanguine Sky, had Down Syndrome. NOW, I was ready! And it was two weeks later that her official DNA test came back saying that Sanguine had DS.

Ooooh yes, my dream… It was then that I told Paul of my beautiful, most powerful dream. The one that I was so afraid to think about, let alone talk out loud about for 40 weeks.

I am happy, beyond words, that my dream came true.

Best of, Family, Featured, Parenting

Sanguine’s Progress

No Comments 19 March 2006

With the help of two great helpers, Patti and Kellie, Sanguine is learning and gaining lots of control. She’s made it through our bad Flu no worse for the wear. She is sitting up in the high chair and grabbing things like crazy. Oh, and she is officially back on the breast full time. Now she occasionally gets a bottle of breastmilk too, but we are so happy she is strong enough to fully nurse on her own.

Josie, Patron Saint of Humility

Best of, Family, Featured

Josie, Patron Saint of Humility

No Comments 22 December 2005

In all the chaos and change we’ve experienced this year, Josie, our little best friend, has stuck by our side, watched over us at night, thrived at the end of the food chain in the new version of our family, and loved us all the while. She has had to crawl slowly from numero uno, along with Comet, down the ladder to the least among us. Now with four kids, she has suffered a lack of affection, and at times our short fuse has caught up with her and her canine antics. Josie is an amazing dog. We love her. She is still learning new tricks. Santa will be good to her this Christmas Season!

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