The Dinner Table


The Dinner Table

No Comments 04 June 2008

This is where it all comes together here at the Adkins House. We are commissioning Larry Diskin – formerly of Adventure Cycling Association – to design and build a hanging lamp with bicycle parts and – he should know we’ll want something Campy but mostly just town bike parts and maybe a Burley Trailer part or two.

We are very excited about this new addition to our lives. I can’t wait to see what Larry names it.

The Kids in Stanley, Idaho

Family, Parenting

The Kids in Stanley, Idaho

No Comments 10 January 2008

Happy New Year! All is well here in Eugene. Wet to say the least. Kitchen remodeling, bike advocacy, math and geography fills our days. I’ll write more here very soon, but I wanted to get this picture in.

Riding High


Riding High

No Comments 08 August 2007

We’ve already made a lot of progress here in Eugene. I’m working at Bike Friday and loving it. We’ve already closed a deal on our new house at 180 North Polk Street. The kids have graduated from there first round of swim lessons. We’ve got a small fleet of Bike Fridays for the stable. Everything seems to be falling into place nicely.

We are preparing for the Bridge Pedal in Portland this weekend. We’ve already had visitors Missoula. We’ve been to the Pacific Ocean and danced in the sand. We’ve really cut down our driving, to just one trip in the mini-van a week. We’ve eaten more food that we’ve picked ourselves than ever before. And the restaurants are great, lots of mexican influence.

The rush of all the newness is slowing down and we are looking forward to school starting soon for Rainy and the wet season to replace this superb summer weather.


The New Meaning of Car Camping

No Comments 06 June 2007

It’s like we never left the comforts of our home. Our trusty, impossible to kill, 13 year old mini van is parked just so we can see it at every meal. Our clothes hardly seem limited. Our food selection is pretty good, considering I am the cook. The “facilities” are comfortable. We have weathered extreme heat, down pours of rain, and unseasonably cold mornings all without that, “I wish I were home” thought playing and replaying in our heads. The reason being… We are home!

Rainy, Torrent, Dare, Sanguine and I and how could I forget, Josie are camping in our house. We are sleeping in our sleeping bags, on our sleep pads, eating and drinking out of our camp dishes and other “camp site” trash cans (Josie is in charge of that aspect) and cooking out of the, always too small, cook pots. And we are having fun! Paul, on the other hand is doing his own kind of camping. He just busted-a-move and drove cross country to Eugene, Oregon in 57ish hours. He not only drove but he drove the mother of all big rental trucks loaded with all of our most worthy junk. Paul, my love, You ROCK!

This camp experience is happening all because we are moving on June 21, 2007 (a little side note, for those of you who are interested, June 21st is our 10th wedding anniversary. So, if you just got that idea that you wanted to get us another worthy piece of something to carry cross country, think again… money packs best in that 13 year old mini van. 🙂 )

We loaded our stuff on the moving truck this past Saturday with the help of our friends Eric, Charlie, Lisa, Jessica, Linnie and Charles. It was like good union shift work all day long. I send a big thanks to all of you. You guys ROCK too! And Paul drove off in the thunder and lightening of Sunday afternoon. His mission now is to unload all that important stuff at our Summer sublet, start work on Monday at Bike Friday, work for a week and then fly back to Ithaca on the 16th to party hard for Father’s Day and the Fall Creek Elementary School Bike Rodeo. Yeehaa! And then on June 21st we will say good bye to all of our beautiful friends here in Ithaca, New York. And we will drive west to the big skies, big rivers and big beaches of Oregon.

This post was written by me, Mony-Love. But since Paul is on the left side of the country it was left up to me to change the post do-hickey thing and I couldn’t figure it out. I am computer pathetic. I know that and I don’t care! See-ya-round.

Photos on flickr

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