Car Free, Family, Featured, Sustainability
15 February 2009
We are slow to write, but things are going well for us. We have been very busy with things like the Chicken Pox, BMX racing, potty training, birthday dinner, Valentines festivities, the Eugene Bike Summit, lots of freelance work, pizza dinners with company, painting inside, fence rework, tree trimming, work and school. Paul has been doing a lot of GEARs volunteer work and Monica has had a few school policy meetings a couple of focus groups relating to children w/ disabilities.
The weather the last two months has really been easy to bike in too. We are already planning our garden for this Spring – we’ve ordered the seeds from Territorial Seed Co. through Rainy’s school fund raiser.
Our Chickens are back to laying full time, five eggs a day, and the bees have been flying a couple of the warmer days.
We are looking forward to this summer already. We are closing in on a full year of being car free. Check out some of our recent photos at the Gallery. I think I may be reworking this blog over to WorkPress in the next few months.