
This is It

No Comments 06 September 2005

OK, we are at the hospital and everything is working good. Monica’s water was broke manually at around 5 pm, hoping labor would soon follow and it appears that it has. Right now they are 3-4 minutes apart and lasting 60 seconds. We got the best room, Lucky 13. We had an ultrasound earlier today and the results showed that Lighting maybe already be 8 lbs. 10 or so ounces, and Thunder is weighing in at only 7 lbs. and 3 or 4 ounces. The difference in weight is what dictated the quick action. We may find out how they are doing fairly soon now. Until then…


Labor Day

No Comments 05 September 2005

It is Labor Day and no laboring so far. Babies are still pushing and poking as much as ever. It is amazing how long this has been – I never knew two weeks could take so long. We will be heading up to the hospital tomorrow to have a more detailed ultrasound to assess the babies and their condition. We may find out that we were just way off on the due date or we will be confirmed that the babies are a bit overdue and we may have to do something to coax them out in to this world sooner rather than later. We’ll keep our fingers crossed that everything is good. We’ll update the site tomorrow after we find out more.


Patience Patience

No Comments 03 September 2005

OK, we have realized that the babies have their own timing. We are probably too anxious. Monica is at 5 cm and all signs point in the right direction. Babies are still moving nicely. She had contractions for more than six hours yesterday after taking castor oil and doing all kinds of things to get the labor revved up. It can’t be too much longer but our thinking every day (every hour, for me) is wearing our energy down a bit.
We are still in good spirits but we just have to rest and put it in God’s hands and everything will work out. Thanks to all of you that are praying for us and the babies. Who knows, Labor Day may not be a coincidence.

Taking Care of Business


Taking Care of Business

No Comments 31 August 2005

Can you believe we haven’t had these kids yet. We understand that labor has to start here soon, but we are not actually in control. Things happen for reasons and we are sure that the babies are having a good time in there. Yesterday Monica had contractions at five minute intervals for over an hour but once we went to the docs office the contractions eased up. We’ve recovered from our excitement and we are resting just fine… we are still having fun.

Photos on flickr

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